Gambling Taking Over My Life

Gambling is ruining your life, not you. If you didnt gamble your life wouldn't be ruined. You can not stop gambling on your own, you seem to have accepted that I hope that you do seek support from GA and although you have your reservations about it, I think you should at least give it a try. 6 months of gambling, my life savings is gone.:(I am a 28 year old male and this is my story. Just over 6 months ago, I was the happiest person in the world. I was engaged to the girl of my dreams, I had saved $60000 from 6 years of full time work. I also had a decent career, my mum was proud of me.

Gambling is good. Gambling does not ruin anyone's lives, it just depends on whether the person DECIDES to bring it on or just ignores it. BUT if people are stupid then they will easily fall into the trap but seriously it just depends on how smart the person is to let gambling take over their life or ignore it.

Gambling has taken over my life

Day 2
Yesterday I registered on this forum. I shared some background on myself as a gambler and commented on a few others post to become active within the community. Well that led me to want to put myself on poker stars self exclusion list so I can deposit no longer ( yes I play live and online terrible I know) So I signed on and thought it was no money in my account and I would just put myself on the self exclusion list but it was money available $25.76 left from a $250.00 deposit I made a day or two prior. The first thing I did was look to see what tourneys were available and long behold a $5.00 $500gtd was running. I registered sat down with 10000 in chips and felt DISGUSTED. I said to myself what's the point even if I win this tourney I'll be trapped and that's not the goal we want to be bet free and debt free so I dumped it very next hand on purpose and I was out but what came next was something I never did before. I was back in the poker stars lobby and the balance was $20.76. I said **** this I'm withdrawing this lousy 20 bucks and went and got my account number and routing number and punched it in and WITHDREW the funds then went straight to the self exclusion press the button. Felt AWESOME! but what is so big about this to me is I've been playing online for 2yrs and I was always to lazy to just get the damn account information out of my folder so I could do a withdrawal the only time I ever withdraw was when I'm over 1k and would drive all the way to Atlantic City so I could withdraw from the cage and just go play live. Later in the evening I had a urge to gamble in my brain well maybe not a urge but gambling thoughts were coming in and out but what was weird I felt in my heart I didn't want to gamble and I didn't even like gambling because it has destroyed me. I didn't gamble I just walked around the corner to my friends house all my compadres were outside I grabbed a brew and we just started having a good time talking, joking, laughing and I even shared with them I am really trying to tackle this problem seriously this time. My friends have heard it all before but they were very supportive and that made me feel happy as well. Long story short I went home eat a pot pie, did NOT gamble, went to sleep, woke up with Money and hey I even have $20.76 extra on the way lol.


Till Next Time

Gambling Took Over My Life


Gambling Has Taken Over My Life

Wow that is quite a story. You are right, we all have them.
First and formost please call someone-anyone. Sucide is a permatate soloution to a tempory problem. Maybe it is good in a way that your secret is out. The time to take action is now. No lies, come clean, seek treatment. Trust will have to be earned. People without the problem think we are just acting childish and stupid. To a 'normal' person looking from the outside in it does seem childish and stupid but as an addict we know it runs much deeper than that.
How did you Dad get clean? Maybe he could be a good resource for you.
Please keep us updated-people here understand

Gambling Taken Over My Life